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Book Shelf


In order of Most Useful to Least Useful.


This list below contains primarily books related to work, productivity, and other related topics.

At the bottom, I've included a list in alphabetical order of a couple honorable mentions on unrelated topics that I think are outstanding.

  1. A Seat at the Table (Mark Schwartz)
  2. Ask Your Developer (Jeff Lawson)
  3. Sooner Safer Happier (Jonathan Smart)
  4. The Delicate Art of Bureaucracy (Mark Schwartz)
  5. Project to Product (Mik Kersten)
  6. The Phoenix Project (Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford)
  7. The Unicorn Project (Gene Kim)
  8. Working Backwards (Colin Bryar, Bill Carr)
  9. Multipliers (Liz Wiseman)
  10. Wiring the Winning Organization (Gene Kim, Steven Spear)
  11. The Fearless Organization (Amy Edmondson)
  12. No Rules Rules (Reed Hastings, Erin Meyer)
  13. The Art of Business Value (Mark Schwartz)
  14. Deep Work (Cal Newport)
  15. Hyperfocus (Chris Bailey)
  16. Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg)
  17. Right Kind of Wrong (Amy Edmondson)
  18. Fear of Missing Out (Patrick McGinnis)
  19. Build (Tony Fadell)
  20. Building a StoryBrand (Dennis Miller)
  21. Radical Candor (Kim Scott)
  22. Essentialism (Greg McKeown)
  23. Turn the Ship Around (L. David Marquet)
  24. Quit (Annie Duke)
  25. Measure What Matters (John Doerr)
  26. The Culture Code (Daniel Coyle)
  27. Escaping the Build Trap (Melissa Perri)
  28. The DevOps Handbook (Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick DeBois, John Willis)
  29. War and Peace and IT (Mark Schwartz)
  30. Team Topologies (Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais)
  31. Made to Stick (Chip & Dan Heath)
  32. The Value Flywheel Effect (David Anderson)
  33. Making Work Visible (Dominica DeGrandis)
  34. Accelerate (Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim)
  35. XLR8 (John Kotter)
  36. Linchpin (Seth Godin)
  37. Upstream (Dan Heath)
  38. Thinking Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
  39. Indistractable (Nir Eyal)
  40. First, Break All the Rules (Don Clifton, Gallup)
  41. Supercommunicators (Charles Duhigg)
  42. Software Architect Elevator (Gregor Hohpe)
  43. The Icarus Deception (Seth Godin)
  44. Change (John Kotter)
  45. Switch (Chip & Dan Heath)
  46. Range (David Epstein)
  47. Nudge (Cass Sunstein, Richard Thaler)
  48. Clean Code (Robert C. Martin)
  49. Clean Architecture (Robert C. Martin)
  50. Clean Coder (Robert C. Martin)
  51. Sharks in the Moat (Phil Martin)
  52. Decision Quality (Carl Spetzler, Hannah Winter, Jennifer Meyer)
  53. Tribes (Carl Spetzler, Hannah Winter, Jennifer Meyer)
  54. Think Again (Adam Grant)
  55. Only the Paranoid Survive (Andrew Grove)
  56. Make Space to Lead (Tutti Taygerly)
  57. Understanding Software (Max Kanat-Alexander)
  58. Talking to Strangers (Malcolm Gladwell)
  59. The Fiefdom Syndrome (Robert Herbold)
  60. DevOps for the Modern Enterprise (Mirco Hering)
  61. The Servant (James Hunter)
  62. The Dip (Seth Godin)
  63. Mindset (Carol Dweck)
  64. How to Have Impossible Conversations (Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay)
  65. Finite and Infinite Games (James Carse)
  66. Container Security (Liz Rice, O'Reilly)
  67. The Lean Startup (Eric Reis)
  68. The Startup Way (Eric Reis)
  69. The Innovator's Dilemma (Clayton Christensen)
  70. Your Next Five Moves (Patrick Bet-David)
  71. The Digital Mindset (Paul Leonardi, Tsedal Neeley)

Honorable Mentions