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Wiring the Winning Organization

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I had been wanting to read this book for some time. As with many other people in this industry, I'm a big fan of Gene Kim and his other books including Accelerate, The Phoenix Project, The Unicorn Project and The DevOps Handbook. In this new book Gene and Steven Spear discuss a novel concept around thinking and acting to create a winning organization.

The book primarily revolves around three areas: Slowification, Simplification, and Amplification. Briefly:

  • Slowification: A method in which you modify the environment in which a problem is solved to make problem-solving easier.
  • Simplification: A method in which you make the problems themselves easier to solve through:
    • Modularization
    • Incrementalization
    • Linearization
  • Amplification: A method where you make it more obvious that problems are occurring so they can be seen and solved.
wiring an effective organization image

These concepts aren't exactly new, but it does feel like a very new way of thinking about them and organizing them. This book feels very well thought-out and is full of well-reasoned and approachable examples of how to apply these principles. The information in this book felt novel and fresh and I found myself thinking about how to apply these principles to my own work. Unlike so many books today, the authors didn't just pad a great blog post into a book. I really appreciated this book and it will be ranked highly in my list of books.

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